Inoxent Farhana Inoxent Farhana Author
Title: New, New Facebook Chat SideBar
Author: Inoxent Farhana
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Facebook New Chat SideBar Facebook Launched new Facebook C hat Sidebar  in replacement to previous C hat Box  system.Some of the...

Facebook New Chat SideBar

Facebook Launched new Facebook Chat Sidebar in replacement to previous Chat Box system.Some of the Facebook users may have got this upgrade

    from the Facebook and others will get this in coming few days.Below is the screen shot of the new Facebook ChatSidebar. The changes made by Facebook during this upgrade are:   
    Facebook New Chat SideBar
  • Contacts are shown on basis of their chat message activity with you.
  • Names of Offline friends and Online friends(Green Dot is shown along with their name) are shown in combined list of chat contacts.
  • There is search box provided below to search your friends/contacts(offline or online).
  • The online friends matrix shown on the left side had been also removed.
  • A good thing about this upgrade is that users can directly send message to offline friends by clicking on their name from Chat sidebar rather than going to Messages from left sidebar

Some points on which Facebook should rethink on its new Facebook Chat Sidebarare:
  • Scrolling of chat list is not possible ,you have to make a search query to find the friend.
  • At first look it creates confusion in the mind of the user , who is online and who is offline.
  • The Facebook Chat SideBar has an limit(20) to show friends from the Facebook friend list. So when the number of online friend cross this limit ,then you have to make a search query to find that online friend as there is no scroll there in Facebook chat sidebar
  • When you click on any friend then the chat box appears on screen covers the search box provided in it,hence blocks the searching options- This bug has been now fixed by the Facebook.
  • The settings button on it is not active till now.

If you find this new Facebook new chat Sidebar tough to operate then there is a simple solution for you.
Login to your Facebook account And then click on this link

This will open the Facebook Pop-out chat , which is quite simple and effective for chatting and will make your chatting experience better.
Hope you liked the post and would like to share your views by dropping comments below.

Update: The Settings Button for this  Facebook New Chat SideBar is working perfectly now.
               Now From the Facebook Chat Settings Button you also Limityour availability i.e you can select the people to whom you want to appear online.

If you want to disable the Facebook New Chat sidebar  Click Here

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